[This blog post is part of the P&I series where we share our personal and professional journeys and how they link to a re-thinking of P&I and its purpose. Read the previous and the next blog post of the series.]
Our planning session allowed us to reflect on our individual and organizational achievements and lessons learned of the past. We could also detect what motivates us looking forward. After doing the stuck exercise, the 9 whys, and the growing tree, we moved into co-producing a 3Dmapping to sense how we are today and how we could change within our surrounding system.

In the second stage, we started to change the model in ways it would better represent the emerging future. We began with a moment of intentional stillness: for a minute or two, we just gazed at the model in light of this question: What highest future possibility is trying to manifest / to be born? Then, we stepped into a collaborative process of modifying the model so that it better represented the future that we wanted to co-shape. We then shared what elements we had moved and why and we delved into the main differences between models 1 and 2.
By sharing these insights, we were able to produce a set of leverage points that could help us move from the old model to the new system:
Integrate the old and the new: to ensure continuity between our past work and expertise and the new areas in which we want to venture
Activate new networks by moving towards the margins and bringing in people from different background to work with us
Discontinue some pillars from our previous work and expand new ones that the mapping revealed wanted to get more space and attention
We wrapped up an intense planning day happy and satisfied by having made substantial progress in our re-thinking journey. The uncertainty that comes when you move away from a comfort zone you had experienced for years was also part of the feelings. But we were eager to continue the co-creative and discovery process and continue the process virtually.
3D mapping questions (source: Presencing Institute)
When you look at your model from the viewpoint of the Lover, the place of feeling and relationship, take a moment to sit with all your senses and your open heart. Pause, close your eyes, and consider:
What do you love in this picture? What about it ignites your best energies?
What other emotions arise? If this emotion could talk, what would it say?
What are the essential relationships (connections or separations) between the parts – and what feelings do these generate?
Now look at your model from the viewpoint of the Warrior, from the viewpoint of truth and action:
What are the key conflicts and hard truths that you have to face in order to move forward?
Where do the different sources of power lie in this system?
Now look at this model from the viewpoint of the Magician, stepping back with perspective:
What are the most important barriers or bottlenecks that, if removed, could help the current system to evolve?
Now look at this model from the viewpoint of the Sovereign, with purpose:
What is ending in this situation [wanting to die], and
What is seeking to emerge [wanting to be born]?
What do you feel is the highest future potential that is being called for in this situation?