A more interdisciplinary approach can help us understand why research evidence does or doesn’t make
Promoting the use of evidence in parliaments
Think-tanking in environments with low value assigned to research
Choosing to innovate on your research agenda
Methodological choices to inform policy
Understanding policy problems and their implications in your research decisions
Drafting and validating your research agenda
Why do we need to analyze our context to design a research agenda?
Individual and institutional research agendas: how are they different?
Framework to get knowledge into policy. Dimension #1: Macro-context: structural factors that draw cl
Crafting policy relevant research
Doing research in Bolivia Paraguay and Perú
Openness is good but not simple
Research knowledge is crucial to national and global development
Insights into the state of research systems in developing countries – Part 2
Insights into the state of research systems in developing countries – Part 1
Is your funding model a good friend to your research?
Evidence-based policies: building what is really possible
Using knowledge to better design and evaluate policies: the General Directorate of Social Policy Ana
Our need to talk about power & knowledge in evaluation & policy cultures