Capacity development in both evaluation & communication: proven benefits and future directions
Monitoring, evaluation and learning to manage and implement research projects at think tanks
M&E&L for a think tank: test drive or driving test?
Seeking a place for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning within a think tank’s institutional strategy
Reflections on developing a MEL framework
Is influencing policy itself the Holy Grail?
Strenghts of think tanks for MEL: it’s time to make better use of them
What influences our thinking about MEL on policy influence?
Starting from where you are to evaluate, monitor and learn from policy influence: is it that simple?
An active and sustainable organization to promote development
RAC´s takeaways on how to monitor and evaluate policy influence: the importance of starting small
e-Reflections on M&E&L and lessons from P&I´s online course
Learning from and with others: an experience with the Think Tank Initiative
To more complexity, more dagu!
Cry for help: monitoring, evaluating and learning in the South, how can we do it better?
How to link theory and practice for relevant research
Lesson # 17: M&E is very different if it´s embedded in a learning approach
Lesson #16: Bring others into monitoring, evaluation and learning of capacity building activities
Openness to continuous learning: one of the most important leadership skills
Online training is THE thing!