Supporting organizational change for evidence use at Ghana’s Environmental Protection Agency
Context matters for organizational change—but how exactly?
A more interdisciplinary approach can help us understand why research evidence does or doesn’t make
Framework to get knowledge into policy. Dimension #1: Macro-context: structural factors that draw cl
Our need to talk about power & knowledge in evaluation & policy cultures
Going beyond “Context matters”
Communication off the map: three principles for policy influence in emerging democracies
Writing a case study for policy
Good communications is not enough to get evidence into policy
The need for expertise: how Civil Society Organisations engage with the Regulatory State
Partisan think tanks: a double-edged sword
What do partisan think tanks seek?
Protocol for case study writing
What is behind the idea of Evidence Based Policy?
Research and policy Global Development Network Topic Guide
Young voices, big impact, promising future
Leaps of faith: the successful policy without evidence
Reading recommendations: research and policy overview