Monitoring, evaluation and learning to manage and implement research projects at think tanks
M&E&L for a think tank: test drive or driving test?
Reflections on developing a MEL framework
Knowledge and policy-making: the importance of thinking about how to concretely manage knowledge and
Knowledge and policy making: the challenge to walk in other’s shoes
Why African Think Tanks Should Lead the Youth Migration Policy Debate
Standards & Guidelines: An Effective Tool for Researchers and think tanks
Helping the decision maker: how to make good public policy recommendations?
Policy makers sharing online spaces: an opportunity to learn and foster a culture of use of knowledg
Are you interested in my research? Seeking for relevant players within the Legislative Branch
The use of evidence in the policy making process: are citizens users or sources of information?
Showcasing Policy Impact through Cinema
Seeking for great researchers at think tanks
Structuring Data Management
The role of evidence in policy making: using external information, broadening the contributions’ hor
Innovating for Impact in Public Policy
Think Tanks and communications: the challenge of being reasonable, resourceful and proactive
On collaboration among think tanks: moving from desire to reality
The role of evidence in policy making: “The demand for empirical evidence depends largely on decisio
The role of evidence in policy making: “We seek to send the message that data is relevant” (part 1)